My son is 2.5 years old. He has autism. Obviously, he can't write this blog for you, but I did ask him to complete the sentence, and he gave me a couple of gems.
Me: Hey, Goob, did you know there are 1 in 88 kids with autism just like you?
Goob: I two!
Me: Yes, honey, you're two. Great job!
Goob: Yay! I do good! Good job!
Me: Yes, you do good job. Can you tell me what you think about something?
Goob: Yeah!
Me: What are autistic people?
Goob: Good job yay!
Me: So, autistic people are good job yay?
Goob: Yeah!
So, the question was a little beyond his scope, but that's his response. Now, as the semi-NT mother of an autistic 2.5 year old, I have a few gems to add to the list myself.
Autistic people are....
- people.
- family.
- friends.
- co-workers.
- classmates.
- children.
- teenagers.
- adults.
- musicians.
- artists.
- teachers.
- happy.
- caring.
- considerate.
- different, not less, just like everybody else.
1:88 kids are diagnosed with autism each year.
1:54 of those are boys. 1:252 are girls.
Autistic kids grow into autistic adults. There are plenty of autistic adults in the world.
Not all autistics are non-verbal. Many can and will speak, we just need to listen to them.
Autistic people are not violent.
Autistic people are not calloused killers.
Autistic people are not criminals.
Autistic people are not insane.
Autistic people are people. Autistic people are good job, yay!